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  Forum » Suggestions » Striker Cup Date
No gains, no losses in stamina, fitness, morale and averages for striker cup games
1. turn off stamina only. physio and psycho can fix morale and fitness.
2. turn off stamina, fitness, morale
3. turn off everything including averages
4. leave everything like it is. the extra money and fame is worth killing your players.
26 msgs.
Child's coach
The Striker cup is a killer. You can't have a team playing 7 days a week.... this is not baseball.
Even with rotations how do you keep 25 players to form 2 competitive teams? You will have to sacrifice the league or the cup and since in the cup you are getting opps out of your category you will probably lose anyway. The main advantage of the cup is the extra money for tv rights.

I think you should turn off the averages for the striker cup games. No gains, no losses in stamina, fitness, morale and averages for those games.

24/06/2011 23:18
  - Div/Gr
21 msgs.
Child's coach
I learned that lesson last year and will not join a private league until I am out of the cup. 27/06/2011 09:56
  - Div/Gr
283 msgs.
First-team player
Smiffy said:
I learned that lesson last year and will not join a private league until I am out of the cup.

Mate, Private league earn you a lot (for me it's 2.5 million each match), if you don't want to waste your players stamina just put your subs in, you lose nearly nothing if losing a match in private cup.
27/06/2011 13:10
  - Div/Gr
16 msgs.
Its a perfect time to temp.promote your youths and give them a game.

I do agree with the overall point. Maybe 1 cup game a week, but to do that might increase the season length.
27/06/2011 13:33
  - Div/Gr
476 msgs.
First-team player
It is same for everyone. Keep using your Physio and also study your next five oppositions so you can rest your star players against lesser teams. Play your temp. promoted juniors. 27/06/2011 16:11
  - Div/Gr
798 msgs.
MVP of the game
Get yourself the full 25 players You're entitled to and keep rotating Your squad and You can sustain 7 games a week, even if You've got 1 or 2 injured players. But You have to keep Your Fitness coach busy to get Your player's fitness over 90 as quick as possible at the start of the season. 27/06/2011 17:14
  Union RS Marburg - Div2/Gr4
33 msgs.
Child's coach
Alexg.Brisbane said:
The Striker cup is a killer. You can't have a team playing 7 days a week.... this is not baseball.
Even with rotations how do you keep 25 players to form 2 competitive teams? You will have to sacrifice the league or the cup and since in the cup you are getting opps out of your category you will probably lose anyway. The main advantage of the cup is the extra money for tv rights.

I think you should turn off the averages for the striker cup games. No gains, no losses in stamina, fitness, morale and averages for those games.

Sacrifice the cup imo. Unless your one of the top 5 or so teams you have absolutely no chance of winning anyway, might as well give your youths and subs a go and join a private league to make more reliable money instead of splitting it until you're out
30/06/2011 14:11
  - Div/Gr
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