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  Forum » Suggestions » Free Juniors Date
The free juniors available...
Should be removed.
Should be left be as they are.
Should be evaluated, and put on the market as per the new simulator.
1835 msgs.
Hey forum,

Along the same lines as the free players fiasco we experienced at the end of last season/beginning of this season, I'd like to bring up the topic of the free junior players that are available year round (if you didn't know, you can search for players without a team within Coach Secretary or Scout and get players for free). The majority of users seemed to be against the free players available at the beginning of this season, so I'm wondering how this is any different. Though I can understand that players often get fired or aren't resigned in real life, at which case they can leave on a free transfer, but I think it's gotten a little ridiculous -as an example, I just saw a guys transfer history which included about 30 free junior transfers since the beginning of September alone, and many multiples more then that since his joining a while back. He has surely earned millions of dollars from this, towards the advancement of his actual keeper team. To me, this is taking advantage of a 'lull' in the game, and though I'm not sure it is ''technically" illegal, I don't think its in the best interests of the game. Whats the point of being financially aware -managing our staff, expenditures, loans etc.- and building our stadiums well, while also balancing player training and growth (which does include buying and selling players to a great degree), when you can just make free money by this means?

What does everyone (anyone) else think?

10/09/2011 05:38
  - Div/Gr
921 msgs.
MVP of the game
It's a delicate balance. In order to sell on the free juniors, you need to sacrifice junior team space that could otherwise be used for training greats prospects. In the short run you'll get plenty of cash-in-hand by selling free juniors. In the long run, eg when your juniors get to 55+ av after a season of training, it's more valuable to keep them to train, as the value added for each extra average point is much more. In practice most managers use some mixture of the two: short-term cash profit for things like remodelling and buying players, vs long-term player training. 10/09/2011 17:13
  - Div/Gr
1835 msgs.
I'm not convinced the balance is that delicate. You can easily train 11 to 13 juniors (two temp. promoted at a time) that you want to keep. Thats enough to replace your entire senior team in the future. After that, you can sign 7+ free players to sell for a sheer profit -likely more than a million dollars -if not several millions- every 3 days if you plan it well. These are players that would have sub-par motivation and wouldn't train as well anyways because they'd be on the bench all the time. You could sell three or four of these free players and then Hostile a junior already at 45+ quite easily with the money made. Now, instead of having to train them for an entire season to get you a 55+, you can do in half a season or less and stretch it to 60+ by the end. All this accelerated progress, for free. I really don't see the trade-off. 10/09/2011 22:58
  - Div/Gr
798 msgs.
MVP of the game
It ain't that easy to hostile a good junior player since the really good ones are usually resigned for protection. 11/09/2011 02:41
  Union RS Marburg - Div2/Gr4
1835 msgs.
Again, I have to disagree. Even at this point in the season I still find juniors 40+ and under the age of 16 every time I send a scout out looking for them -all costing only 1.5-2.5M. They usually come from the surplus of new teams created by highly inactive managers, and none of them are resigned. Worst case scenario and one has to wait a few days for the team to get out of it's ten day safety freeze. 11/09/2011 02:57
  - Div/Gr
997 msgs.
MVP of the game
This is one of those cases where "I don't do it, I don't want other people to do it either..."
I just have one question about "illegal thing" you are talking about. Do scouts only search for players in pro teams that are being abandoned in real life?
11/09/2011 06:46
  - Div/Gr
2737 msgs.
Best scorer
I don't mind if they keep it going. Maybe just decrease the average/progression of free players as hew suggested before, because this is hurting school business really bad.

and yes, my opinion is biased because i have 2 schools.
11/09/2011 07:22
  - Div/Gr
677 msgs.
MVP of the game
Free juniors help to reduce inflation. 11/09/2011 07:44
  - Div/Gr
2737 msgs.
Best scorer
Perfect one said:
Free juniors help to reduce inflation.

no they dont...90% of them go cheap on market to unexperienced players who think they are getting a bargain. Schooled juniors mostly get fired because managers know their juniors wont sell. Schooled juniors could very well replace free juniors. However, as i said...no need to remove them, just decrease their value.
11/09/2011 07:46
  - Div/Gr
677 msgs.
MVP of the game
Yes they do. If the free juniors get deleted there will be less juniors in the market. Demand will surpass supply. 11/09/2011 07:56
  - Div/Gr
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