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  Forum » Suggestions » R/LIM, Sold player bug in mobile Date
190 msgs.
How comes R/LIM can't pass the ball forwards to either the CF, R/LF, R/LW? Or is it just that my pleyers are crap?

I don't know if its a bug but if you have a player and he's sold/transferred/hostiled/promoted and he leaves the team, that position remains vacant and you can't fill it with another player using your phone.

Thanks for the lovely game
11/11/2011 12:03
  S. C. Udetto - Div3/Gr12
395 msgs.
First-team player
My RIM/LIM make passes back and forth with my CF all the time, in fact they are my secondary attackers.

Not sure what you mean about not being able to fill a players space.
11/11/2011 19:50
  - Div/Gr
190 msgs.
Yep, saw that Mid pass thing today, its like its been sorted or something

Poor choice of words there by me but what am trying to say is that when the player is sold, you can't fill his place on the starting line-up using your phone so if you're stuck in a place with no comp, you're done for even if you noticed and were informed by your coach
11/11/2011 20:02
  S. C. Udetto - Div3/Gr12
580 msgs.
MVP of the game
well i don't know why are you facing that problem....
i have changed my lineup using mobile many times...
though i must say i have always replaced players but never filled in an empty spot...
tell the admins about it.... it is a serious problem...
11/11/2011 21:41
  - Div/Gr
33 msgs.
Child's coach
Use the red automatic button. It will reshuffle your team but will also fill the vacant spot.
That's the best solution available at the moment.
11/11/2011 23:28
  - Div/Gr
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball
My rim scored the only goal in a 1-0 games today.

He will get "a special [edited out]" tonight

Edited by @rebsiot 12-11-2011 06:58
12/11/2011 03:58
  - Div/Gr
395 msgs.
First-team player
@rebsiot said:
My rim scored the only goal in a 1-0 games today.

He will get "a special [edited out]" tonight


note: I edited out my "inappropriate" response.

Edited by @rebsiot 12-11-2011 06:59
12/11/2011 04:02
  - Div/Gr
1016 msgs.
hav noticed this subtitution thing for a while now but i thought is normal.
If a player is sold, or temporary transfer players who is returning to the youth team, after both leaving the team the space is empty and you cannot replace them with other players, this happens only on mobile view. I think this need to be sort out.
13/11/2011 14:56
  - Div/Gr
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