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  Forum » Suggestions » Forecast longevity Date
3363 msgs.
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Well, if you had read my previous post you can see its not necessary anymore. 22/03/2012 13:44
  - Div/Gr
385 msgs.
First-team player
ah sorry @Gunnernic, did,nt see your previous post, was tired ...that is so much better, i just hope when we pay for forecast it can stay open forever with same manager, like they do with packmanager... 22/03/2012 13:57
  Expendables - Div3/Gr2
612 msgs.
MVP of the game
Forecast does not stay open forever with Pack manager, 7 days with 10 GBs and that's it. Honestly it's not that hard to take a screenshot and save it somewhere, save it in excel, whatever. The game needs a means of generating money and forecast is certainly one of the main uses for my GBs. Also Pack Manager does not grant me limitless GBs in fact when I first bought it I didn't realise I would still have to buy GBs to do everything else. The game needs to generate money and GBs is just one way that it can do so. 22/03/2012 14:36
  - Div/Gr
425 msgs.
First-team player
@GunnerNic said:
Mozleron said:
If he then wants to sell that player for more that the extremely low clause amount, he has to resign the player first, which then destroys the just paid for Forecast.

This has changed with the "Remove R" button.
re-sign him first with new release clause and then remove R, no need to auction with direct buy anymore (that does lose the forecast)
I wasnt sure so I just tried it with a new freebie CF I found, and the forecast is still there.

But I do agree the new owner should still have the forecast for the remainder of the 7 days if its sold.

One of us is not understanding the other, and i think it was my misunderstanding.

As a test I paid the 10GB for a forecast on one of my non (R) Jr players, and then Resigned him. It looks like the forecast still shows up post Resign. Using the Direct Buy mechanism to up the clause must have been what was killing the Forecast, due to still being in the dark age of not having the Remove R button.

But, that does leave non-pack manager players in the situation of either having to pay 20GB in order to more accurately direct or private sell a player with a high enough clause ((FC (10GB), resign, Remove R (10GB)) or (FC (10GB), Direct Buy to self, FC (10GB))), or just taking their chances on the auction.

There is a lot of trust imparted with being able to see the Forecast because i know for sure i could very easily fake a screen shot or a nickname. I personally wouldn't actually do such a thing, but there is absolutely no reason anyone else here could have 100% confidence in that.

If the goal is to make this process cost double for non-PM managers, then mission accomplished. I can fully understand why they would do so, but it still takes us back to the original issue of a Forecast going away any time a player goes through any kind of ownership changing transaction, which it appears that the general populace consensus is not in favor of.

I suppose i should amend the original suggestion to something more along the lines of:
I would like to see the forecast still be visible for the fully paid for period, even if an ownership change happens to a player. The ownership of the paid for Forecast should also change, but it should not be completely wiped out.
22/03/2012 19:20
  - Div/Gr
3363 msgs.
Best scorer
Mozleron said:
Remove R (10GB)

Apologies, I had no idea it was free only for pack manager. 10GB never came up for me on that button since it was introduced.
22/03/2012 22:36
  - Div/Gr
608 msgs.
MVP of the game
@GunnerNic said:
Well, if you had read my previous post you can see its not necessary anymore.

I think the point Assassin13 was making is that people sell to themselves as it costs a further 10 GB to remove the (R).

So if you don't have the GBs to spare, your only option is to sell to yourself - By which time the players' Forecast will disappear.

This is especially the case with players who have a release clause of £3,000, but are actually high prog - And therefore worth much more.
22/03/2012 23:51
  - Div/Gr
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