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  Forum » Suggestions » BETA-mode for friendlies Date
798 msgs.
MVP of the game
I've noticed that in friendlies in BETA-mode players don't earn any experience. I've also experienced that two of my friendlies were scheduled in BETA-mode without me being able to change it back to normal. (I assume my opponent was able to make this selection without me being able to do anything about it)

I find this quite anoying since the main reason why I arrange friendlies is to allow my reservists to earn experience.

I would suggest that either BETA-mode friendlies should earn experience points too or to change the way we invite other teams to friendlies to provide the inviting manager with 3 options, he can choose from:

1. Invitation only for a regular mode friendly

2. Invitation only for a BETA-mode friendly

3. leave it to the manager of the invited team to make the selection
24/05/2012 02:42
  Union RS Marburg - Div2/Gr4
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