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  Forum » Suggestions » Better formation rights Date
Should formation rights take into account the effort a team puts into training a player?
Yes, according to this proposal
Yes, but not according to this proposal
No, current system is better
I don't really care
700 msgs.
MVP of the game
I propose the following changes to formation rights:
Formation rights should be based on training as well as origination.

Formation rights should max out at 10 percent, according to the following:
2% for player starting in your school.
Up to 8 percent for training the player. This will be calculated accordingly:
Formation rights percentage = (Player's current average - Players average upon reaching your team)/10, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Formation rights should then decrease 2% every year that you no longer have that player, and 2% for every transaction.

For example: A player starts on my team from my school at a 25 average. I train him to a 60 average, and then sell him. No formation rights are paid or deducted on the original sale. For any subsequent sale that season, I have 5% formation rights on that player (2% for school + 3% for training). The following season, my formation rights on that player (if still unsold) are only 3% of a sales price. If that player is sold, my formation rights go down to 3% on a subsequent sale.


Edited by phaag 23-11-2012 00:08
22/11/2012 16:59
  - Div/Gr
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
Formation rights are working and have been for the last week or so,

The formation rights grow with the amount of time you keep a player, goes up by 2% every season if I remember right

Edited by eamwilson 22-11-2012 23:49
22/11/2012 23:47
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
700 msgs.
MVP of the game
eamwilson said:
Formation rights are working and have been for the last week or so,

The formation rights grow with the amount of time you keep a player, goes up by 2% every season if I remember right

Edited by eamwilson 22-11-2012 23:49

My mistake. Didn't realize they were fixed. Adjusted the post above, which is still a valid proposal.
23/11/2012 00:07
  - Div/Gr
700 msgs.
MVP of the game
Another example: If I buy an average 20 player and train him to average 80, then I would have 6% formation rights on the subsequent sale. This credits the team that does the work of training.

23/11/2012 00:09
  - Div/Gr
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
phaag said:
Another example: If I buy an average 20 player and train him to average 80, then I would have 6% formation rights on the subsequent sale. This credits the team that does the work of training.

Oh I see now ignore my previous post, it helps whoever as put the effort in whether he started at there school or not
23/11/2012 00:13
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
412 msgs.
First-team player


Formation rights should then decrease 2% every year that you no longer have that player, and 2% for every transaction.

I don't think that the formation rights should degrade over time. They should decrease 2% every transaction, but not 2% every year. The rest seems reasonable to me.
23/11/2012 03:10
  - Div/Gr
700 msgs.
MVP of the game
dneighbors said:
I don't think that the formation rights should degrade over time. They should decrease 2% every transaction, but not 2% every year. The rest seems reasonable to me.

You're right. That's the better way than the current system.
23/11/2012 15:40
  - Div/Gr
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