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  Forum » Suggestions » Senior Board Date
62 msgs.
Seems like the layout of the senior board has changed. I don't like it because the way it's spread out I can't see the number of points on the right. Gets cut off. Nothing wrong with how it was. Please change back. 12/12/2012 21:53
  - Div/Gr
2897 msgs.
Best scorer
Its a bug that's been occurring throughout the day...it was like that for me earlier, but seems to have been fixed. It appears to be using the code for the mobile site. 12/12/2012 21:56
  - Div/Gr
62 msgs.
It's still doing it to me. 12/12/2012 22:01
  - Div/Gr
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
It seems as though full site has stolen the mobile board, on mobile board doesn't work at all for me 12/12/2012 22:09
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
I checked on mobile, board is working league stats are not

Edited by eamwilson 13-12-2012 20:49
13/12/2012 14:30
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
3168 msgs.
Best scorer
A new thing is broken and fixed every day. 13/12/2012 22:34
  - Div/Gr
62 msgs.
True. seems to be working again since yesterday. Now the question is will non offsides offsides ever be fixed? or the instances where there is a penalty kick and then an offside is called before kicking it. Doesn't happen all the time but it has happened a few times randomly. 14/12/2012 19:28
  - Div/Gr
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