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  Forum » Suggestions » So this Inflation Problem... Date
89 msgs.

I find this topic interresting because it poses a very, VERY, common, though devastating, economic situation.

Though inflation can be a hard thing to deal with, Striker Manager is a small, simple, economy. Here is what I propose.

1: The amount of money managers receive every season.

2: Taxing.
-Per Division, there should be a certain tax rate. For example, Division 1 should maybe have a 34-45% taxation on income. Doing this should make manahers think more wisely about there money, resulting in less demand, driving prices down.

3: the amount of youths produced.
- Reducing the amount of players that enter the market, reducing supply. Kind of likenpoint number 2.

4: at the end of each season, make sure that when bots release their players, that thy only release a certain amount

After 2 or 3 seasons of this slowly decrease taxes, and every oher season add jut a little more youth players to the market.
16/12/2012 22:53
  - Div/Gr
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
Reducing the amount of youth players would increase prices as more people will be after the same player 16/12/2012 23:39
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
413 msgs.
First-team player
eamwilson is right.

And you're in Division 6. You don't have an inflation problem.

Managers in other divisions who complain about 'inflation' just don't want to put in the effort to play the game. They want wins and perfect players given to them.

It's very easy to make money in this game. All it takes is a few more minutes, and a few more clicks.

Now that you've cleared 8000 experience points, this will become more and more clear to you.

Edited by Anonymous01 17-12-2012 00:15
17/12/2012 00:15
  - Div/Gr
89 msgs.
I've been playing since junish, so I know what he higher ranked managers are talking about.
So even for me, its hard to get 40 avg playersfor less than 2 mil whih is kinda a drag.
17/12/2012 00:17
  - Div/Gr
413 msgs.
First-team player
I started at the same time you did.

Finding affordable 35-45 average players took some doing, but only a bit. It was more than manageable.

DIV 6/7 managers have several cash and price advantages other divisions don't have.

I won't hijack your thread talking about them here. But talk to me and other fellow RFM managers privately and in the PL forum to learn how to take full advantage of Div 6 and maximize your cash and other assets.
17/12/2012 00:35
  - Div/Gr
89 msgs.
I don't worry, inflation doesn't affect me at all. It may be hard to find decent players, but it isnt impossible. I just made this to start a conversation about inflation considering if i play SM untill i reach div1, could possible affect me.. Thanks though trying to help 17/12/2012 01:07
  - Div/Gr
5633 msgs.
Golden Ball
The best players in the game will always cost the most money, but as we get more and more 95+ players, even 85+ players will start to decrease in value and quite significantly compared to now. It will take time but it will happen. 17/12/2012 06:13
  - Div/Gr
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball

for most positions, prices have been fairly stable for the last 6 months.
17/12/2012 07:51
  - Div/Gr
6256 msgs.
Golden Ball
If you watch the market a bit, you can pick up 40+ players for a lot less than 2m, just takes some patience. 17/12/2012 13:56
  - Div/Gr
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