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  Forum » Suggestions » Advanced Formation Date
Should we have a switch button in advanced formation for WITH / WITHOUT BALL?
Yes, please do
I'm fine with how it is
I don't care about my players positioning
15 msgs.
Hi, just a sugestion,

i tihnk it would be clearer if we had a switch button on advanced formations regarding WITH / WITHOUT ball, it's make more sense because as it is, we manage the team position in both scenarios which are two completely diferent situations, plus, this would give the change for people to make more custom tactics and enabling teams to play wide/narrow with ball and when defending closing up spaces as we think fit.

17/12/2012 19:48
  - Div/Gr
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
Already suggested many times here is the latest one http://en3.strikermanager.com/foros/hilo.php?id=277181

Read the comments, as one @ said "Response from devs on this subject is that it is unlikely to happen."

Edited by eamwilson 17-12-2012 22:04
17/12/2012 22:03
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
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