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  Forum » Suggestions » Top up max bid Date
3880 msgs.
Best scorer
okay let me set a scenario, there is a junior on market and i max bid 25mil as i think this is enough for him, his auction finishes at 6am when i am asleep. But 6 hours before auction is over the price is up to 15mil and i feel i wont win if i am not there at 6am. what i would like to be able to do is increase my max bid to say 35mil but i cant do this until i am outbid

so i suggest the option to increase your already placed max bid.
01/01/2013 13:55
  - Div/Gr
454 msgs.
First-team player
+1 but the devs would rather ask u to go top at first than making them to work so hard for this 01/01/2013 13:58
  - Div/Gr
3880 msgs.
Best scorer
Moodey said:
+1 but the devs would rather ask u to go top at first than making them to work so hard for this

yvah i know but i think its stupid that you would lose out on a player because of an initial undervaluation
01/01/2013 14:00
  - Div/Gr
454 msgs.
First-team player
true.. then lets sleep on time and wake up early for him maybe?? 01/01/2013 14:01
  - Div/Gr
256 msgs.
First-team player
yeah that would be nice! 01/01/2013 14:02
  - Div/Gr
3880 msgs.
Best scorer
Moodey said:
true.. then lets sleep on time and wake up early for him maybe??

moodey the only time im up at 6am is if i dont go to sleep!!
01/01/2013 14:03
  - Div/Gr
454 msgs.
First-team player
bowsey1986 said:
Moodey said:
true.. then lets sleep on time and wake up early for him maybe??

moodey the only time im up at 6am is if i dont go to sleep!!

yayyyyyyyyyy!!! lets party all night its HOSTILE NIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
01/01/2013 14:04
  - Div/Gr
1382 msgs.
Yesssssss... How many times this has happened to me. + 1000 01/01/2013 14:40
  - Div/Gr
3756 msgs.
Best scorer
Stop acting lazy. If you want something then take the effort and work for it. 01/01/2013 20:08
  - Div/Gr
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
If you have enough money you can outbid yourself with higher/lower max bid all it will do is raise the current bid by 10k.

I have done it a few times but it is usually to lower the max bid when I have found a player of more interest

Edited by eamwilson 01-01-2013 21:24
01/01/2013 21:22
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
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