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  Forum » Suggestions » value of players Date
4 msgs.
Ball boy
the value of players has drastically decreased. Each season its getting worse.
you should make it harder to get good players
10/10/2013 22:05
  - Div/Gr
4208 msgs.
Best scorer
I disagree. Players are grossly overvalued. $1 billion +? As the game matures, the price of players will decrease and settle. This SHOULD happen...and the devs should encourage it. 11/10/2013 00:45
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
4 msgs.
Ball boy
players with avgs 75+ prices/buyout clauses are ridiculous but players with avgs below are in abundance and are selling a lot less than they should be. It needs to balance out otherwise mid tier teams would never be able to catch the big boys. 11/10/2013 02:18
  - Div/Gr
140 msgs.
Why not use the opportunity to buy yourself some decent players? Yes, 80+ players are still expensive but make the most of the cheaper 70+ players while they are there.

Nothing wrong IMO.
11/10/2013 03:27
  - Div/Gr
672 msgs.
MVP of the game
baje said:
players with avgs 75+ prices/buyout clauses are ridiculous but players with avgs below are in abundance and are selling a lot less than they should be. It needs to balance out otherwise mid tier teams would never be able to catch the big boys.

The prices will settle by supply/demand when the current generation of players begin to retire- there's still more younger players than older ones. Thus, the price will continue to fall until the current 26/27 year old players are phased out.
13/10/2013 06:18
  - Div/Gr
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