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  Forum » Suggestions » Fix the lineup/sub system Date
4208 msgs.
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I have seen complaints about the system not subbing properly and people with lineup problems. Two days ago I had my line up set for Saturdays PL match. I sold the LM and forgot to replace him manually in the line up. No warning from the coach before the game about the lineup being incomplete (although there was one AFTER the game as a warning before the sunday match).

Although I sold a LM, I have TWO OTHERS in my squad. One would think the system would sub one of those LM into the lineup in the empty LM position.

Nope. Here is what the system did:

Put RF in LM spot.
Put RM in OM spot.
Put OM in RF spot.
Put RF in LF spot.
Put LF in RM spot.
and finally put the LM in the CF spot.

Six players out of position. All at reduced avg. How incredibly stupid is that? It is certainly more stupid than me forgetting to manually put another LM in the lineup. Please fix this.


24/11/2013 06:41
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
56 msgs.
I had a similar issue. And now if i had a player auction, i try to chk line up before match 26/11/2013 11:29
  - Div/Gr
286 msgs.
First-team player
same thing will happen if your temp promoted jr goes back to jr squad. Happen to me where the system put a DFM to replace a CF. Im lucky it ended in a draw. I think this is where "versatility stat" comes in. If there's no senior player suitable for the pos the jr left out, the "most compatible" player comes in... but no... it just swap things around as it like. 04/12/2013 11:50
  - Div/Gr
3880 msgs.
Best scorer
it is not the systems responsibility to make sure you done your temp promos at the right time, it is also not the systems responsibility to make sure you dont sell a player from your starting lineup before a game. You are the manager here so you should be the one to complete the lineup, if you leave it to the system to do this then you will be at a disadvantage 04/12/2013 13:16
  - Div/Gr
4208 msgs.
Best scorer
I don't disagree that it isn't the system's responsibility to ensure I don't see a player or time my temp promo. No argument to my culpability.

But since there is an automatic option under pack manager for line-up it IS the system responsibility to fill in an empty slot. I am simply suggesting that the system should put a LM into a LM spot when there is a LM available and not play the domino game that it did in my match. Given the recent oddities in sub's I have seen, that should be fixed as well.

If you want to argue that I should never trust the system, that is fine but why am I buying GB's then?

My thought is before the dev's consider some of the suggestions that are listed as additions, they should ensure that the system functions well as is.

@bowsey1986 said:
it is not the systems responsibility to make sure you done your temp promos at the right time, it is also not the systems responsibility to make sure you dont sell a player from your starting lineup before a game. You are the manager here so you should be the one to complete the lineup, if you leave it to the system to do this then you will be at a disadvantage

04/12/2013 19:09
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
591 msgs.
MVP of the game
I once forgot to manually set my line-up,and my team ended up having a LB striking for them. He scored a goal though,lol...
satanhead2003 said:
same thing will happen if your temp promoted jr goes back to jr squad. Happen to me where the system put a DFM to replace a CF. Im lucky it ended in a draw. I think this is where "versatility stat" comes in. If there's no senior player suitable for the pos the jr left out, the "most compatible" player comes in... but no... it just swap things around as it like.

05/12/2013 12:04
  - Div/Gr
2186 msgs.
Best scorer
satanhead2003 said:
same thing will happen if your temp promoted jr goes back to jr squad. Happen to me where the system put a DFM to replace a CF. Im lucky it ended in a draw. I think this is where "versatility stat" comes in. If there's no senior player suitable for the pos the jr left out, the "most compatible" player comes in... but no... it just swap things around as it like.

When you get to higher division, you find out that no matter how the player's versatile is, it won't help you if you do not manage your squad well.

I do not think majority aspect of this game should be automated, that is why you are a manager. When you list your player for auction, then take him to reserve so your line-up won't be messed up.

Still, the system warns you in time, that you got an incomplete line-up, just that you were not online till after your game.
07/12/2013 00:16
  - Div/Gr
4208 msgs.
Best scorer
I din't get a warning so it maybe that the auction sold after whatever time the system is set to send the warning.

Whether or not to have an automated function can be debated and frankly I don't care either way; however, if there is one, it should function in a proper manner. If I didn't have another left mid, that would be one thing but I did. That series of selection that the system chose is just simply stupid.

elfolksy said:
satanhead2003 said:
same thing will happen if your temp promoted jr goes back to jr squad. Happen to me where the system put a DFM to replace a CF. Im lucky it ended in a draw. I think this is where "versatility stat" comes in. If there's no senior player suitable for the pos the jr left out, the "most compatible" player comes in... but no... it just swap things around as it like.

When you get to higher division, you find out that no matter how the player's versatile is, it won't help you if you do not manage your squad well.

I do not think majority aspect of this game should be automated, that is why you are a manager. When you list your player for auction, then take him to reserve so your line-up won't be messed up.

Still, the system warns you in time, that you got an incomplete line-up, just that you were not online till after your game.

07/12/2013 00:39
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
2184 msgs.
Best scorer
When it is just the LM spot that is empty, how can the system mess up the entire line-up just for the sake of filling up one slot? If the system really has to play a random player in the empty slot, it should be any one from the subs or reserves, but not from the first team. It could have saved him the match. Agree that it's not the system's responsibility to sub in the right player in such a case but it has no right to alter the rest of the lineup. 15/12/2013 17:16
  - Div/Gr
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