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  Forum » Suggestions » loan-rating scale for managers Date
163 msgs.
hello....i give on loan my players every season. some manager treat them well and respect my players. some managers dont do nothing we agreed.....you give them a player because they tell you they are going to train them,but after that no train.......why dont you make a scale for example from 1 to 10, that we can rate them at the end of the season and the average will be a number that characterize every manager reliability on loaning players...this will protect many good managers for really bad managers.and this will stop bad managers on promising trainings just to take your players.... 29/11/2013 01:45
  - Div/Gr
672 msgs.
MVP of the game
Been suggested before (quite recently, in fact), been rejected before. It's open to abuse and ratings are subjective.

29/11/2013 05:58
  - Div/Gr
4257 msgs.
Best scorer

+1 we can only rate managers we have loaned too . nice idea
29/11/2013 08:28
  - Div/Gr
4046 msgs.
Best scorer
People are too subjective for this to ever be possible.
On the one hand you'd have unhappy managers throwing a disproportionate amount of 1/10 scores everywhere, even though their lack of knowledge of the trainer is part of the problem itself.
Inversely you would have other managers, having felt accomplished with their training, begging for a full 10/10 scores, of which you would see a disproportionate amount.
Both managers could have trained up a player by the same amount, yet their ratings could be wildly different.
You could add a Bayesian element into the ratings system, whereby scores too deviant from the mean would be given less weight, but then you'd have a system where good trainers and poor trainers alike would congregate towards the mean.

29/11/2013 10:04
  - Div/Gr
3880 msgs.
Best scorer
i would agree if it was an automatic rating system such as

team Dyslexia Untied took X player on loan,

Games started: 40
Loan starting average: 60.25
Loan end average: 73.65

then maybe a bit at the bottom for user notes like. "player was average prog so i was happy with training" "player was 99 prog GK should have increased more" etc
29/11/2013 11:58
  - Div/Gr
163 msgs.
ok i agree it's subjective,but just think that this prοcess is used in more official sites. for example if you buy something on ebay you can rate the seller. this is subjective too....but it works!! ok it's not the same but the rating process is generally used i think.
Nevertheless, if you think this scale etc dont work,then maybe it would be good if the developers could make something like a form between two managers. in this form they will agree for the coach rating,number of trainings per week and training scedule. for example i could fill a framework that says i have o junior coach 90%, i will train 4training/week RW and minimun 2 times shooting running etc...anyway sommething like that!! and if the manager dont follow this form then you would have the option recall your player.i think it will protect good managers...
29/11/2013 12:30
  - Div/Gr
4208 msgs.
Best scorer
Have yet to loan or take a loaned player because I don't know anyone well enough...but if bowsey's system were in place I would


@bowsey1986 said:
i would agree if it was an automatic rating system such as

team Dyslexia Untied took X player on loan,

Games started: 40
Loan starting average: 60.25
Loan end average: 73.65

then maybe a bit at the bottom for user notes like. "player was average prog so i was happy with training" "player was 99 prog GK should have increased more" etc

30/11/2013 23:41
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
2149 msgs.
Best scorer
Ratings alone would not work, user should be required to write up a text explanation for his rating as well. This will enable @'s and other users to weed out biased ratings.

+1 to @bowseys idea
04/12/2013 07:48
  - Div/Gr
36 msgs.
Child's coach
I think it would help very much
14/12/2013 00:48
  - Div/Gr
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