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  Forum » Suggestions » Training progress view Date
620 msgs.
MVP of the game

i would welcome having let's call it "training progress" view of my squad. as of now, when i click on my squad i see the list of my players. i can switch views like contracts, features, .. i miss "training progress" view, where the managers could see the info (in columns) about training progress (points) in last day, current week, current month, average.

what's your thoughts?


20/12/2013 17:22
  - Div/Gr
4208 msgs.
Best scorer
I think that is called the progression button and it costs 150 GB.... 20/12/2013 19:08
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
620 msgs.
MVP of the game
is it? i have never pushed that button. i thought that button is to reveal just progression of entire squad (not exact training progress in particular periods) at discounted price (entire squad for 150 gbs rather than 10 per individual).

if so, i take it back.
20/12/2013 19:13
  - Div/Gr
4208 msgs.
Best scorer
The 10G for forecast and progression shows the progression rate of the player. The progression button for 150GB shows the past rate of training.

Having pushed that button before I had 8k exp, it is in my opinion a waste of GB's.
20/12/2013 22:03
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
620 msgs.
MVP of the game
ah. got it. that is what i had in mind. it's pity that this view is paid. i would like to have such view but i agree that paying 150 gbs for it is way too much. especially if it is time limited. thanks. 20/12/2013 22:10
  - Div/Gr
4213 msgs.
Best scorer
vgates said:
The 10G for forecast and progression shows the progression rate of the player. The progression button for 150GB shows the past rate of training.

Having pushed that button before I had 8k exp, it is in my opinion a waste of GB's.

Super Useless!
20/12/2013 23:05
  - Div/Gr
399 msgs.
First-team player
ronnie_sk said:
ah. got it. that is what i had in mind. it's pity that this view is paid. i would like to have such view but i agree that paying 150 gbs for it is way too much. especially if it is time limited. thanks.

Well it's costs GB, u can't expect the whole game to be free as the developers has to make money in order to improve the game as well.
21/12/2013 10:40
  - Div/Gr
620 msgs.
MVP of the game
.. told the guy who never bought golden balls

what i am saying is that i like paying gbs for getting an advantage (show prog, search+, production queue, staff degrees, etc).

i don't like paying for having basic managerial functionality what this in my opinion is. especially when all this info (training progress is visible). i just wanted to have a one view on top of this info so that i don't click 50 times every day to check how my squad trained (clicking is not managerial role, although i understand that one click = one or more ads displayed).
21/12/2013 11:13
  - Div/Gr
3880 msgs.
Best scorer
If you check my teams press releases you will see a screenshot of what the 150gb progression button does

Saves you some GBs as it's pretty useless
22/12/2013 17:35
  - Div/Gr
620 msgs.
MVP of the game
hit! this is exactly what i had in mind. thanks for a hint. 22/12/2013 18:07
  - Div/Gr
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