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  Forum » Market » Purchases » Buying Jnr Strikers Date
3756 msgs.
Best scorer
Interested in buying jnr strikers: CF, LF, RF, LW, RW.

1. Player has to be 14 yrs old ONLY.
2. Player has to have 92+ progression.
3. Player should have a minimum average of 25.

Please DO NOT reply here / message me if all the above requirements are not met. I will not buy your player, so do not waste your time.

Thank you.
15/08/2014 07:03
  - Div/Gr
2090 msgs.
Best scorer

Edited by brighteejay 16-08-2014 23:46
16/08/2014 23:43
  Team TTTT - Div5/Gr230
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