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  Forum » Foro Liga Olympus Circle (Council) » Daily News Date
3439 msgs.
Best scorer
You know, I was wondering as I took a look at one team in the sixth division,

"How on Earth am I gonna cope if I just joined Striker Manager today?"
04/01/2016 10:11
  PSG - Div4/Gr39
5349 msgs.
Golden Ball
Ali Agharabi said:
You know, I was wondering as I took a look at one team in the sixth division,

"How on Earth am I gonna cope if I just joined Striker Manager today?"

you'll be around same rots; proudly winning with a 'basic' formation; dreaming of winning the SC. But will get all hopes quashed at your first loss of (14+ - nil), left with the thought of "how on earth did a player reached 90+avg" (i was scared the first time i saw one at Hardcore United back in 2012...

Tho, the wise ones do found a way to get to the top #backinmydiv6days

PS: #backinmydiv6days. Olympians, how was yours?

04/01/2016 10:32
  - Div/Gr
604 msgs.
MVP of the game
I joined less than 2wks before season closes and was given a team at board 2,didnt take much to move to first position. 04/01/2016 10:39
  - Div/Gr
5349 msgs.
Golden Ball
TONY FC said:
I joined less than 2wks before season closes and was given a team at board 2,didnt take much to move to first position.

haha! Lucky you
04/01/2016 10:40
  - Div/Gr
604 msgs.
MVP of the game
Yeah but I got tormented a bit at div 5 04/01/2016 10:43
  - Div/Gr
6225 msgs.
Golden Ball
If there's any other word that best describe "bizarre".. I think that word will describe my career in div 6&5.
04/01/2016 11:01
  - Div/Gr
5349 msgs.
Golden Ball
TONY FC said:
Yeah but I got tormented a bit at div 5

& at div.4?
04/01/2016 11:03
  - Div/Gr
1623 msgs.
Got discouraged when I was raped by brezette team 17-0 in SC, but here we are today 04/01/2016 11:47
  - Div/Gr
1623 msgs.
Though, we are not there yet but we surely know we gonna get there #fighting 04/01/2016 11:53
  - Div/Gr
1623 msgs.
Another draw for me, 2-2, I hate this😐😐 04/01/2016 18:23
  - Div/Gr
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