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  Forum » Foro Liga Olympus Circle (Council) » Daily News Date
147 msgs.
woot prog 91 LDF!... it only took 4-5 seasons to get one... 01/03/2016 06:48
  - Div/Gr
3439 msgs.
Best scorer
ViperJreX said:
woot prog 91 LDF!... it only took 4-5 seasons to get one...


I still await mine!
01/03/2016 09:34
  PSG - Div4/Gr39
234 msgs.
Ali Agharabi said:
ViperJreX said:
woot prog 91 LDF!... it only took 4-5 seasons to get one...


I still await mine!

You must buy another schools.. I have every season big one..
01/03/2016 10:22
  - Div/Gr
3439 msgs.
Best scorer
Another school?
Oh no!
The cost of maintaining those schools are incredibly flagrant!
01/03/2016 14:27
  PSG - Div4/Gr39
234 msgs.
Ali Agharabi said:
Another school?
Oh no!
The cost of maintaining those schools are incredibly flagrant!

I am spending 14M for schools every week.. It does not matter, but I am happy when some school give me very high progress player..
01/03/2016 15:37
  - Div/Gr
5349 msgs.
Golden Ball
ricko1 said:
Ali Agharabi said:
Another school?
Oh no!
The cost of maintaining those schools are incredibly flagrant!

I am spending 14M for schools every week.. It does not matter, but I am happy when some school give me very high progress player..

96% of my schools' products are craps. Now, i'll rather check through at the end of the season.
01/03/2016 17:33
  - Div/Gr
2186 msgs.
Best scorer
My team is behaving like Arsenal FC of England, droping down from 1st position to 6th position! What can I do? 01/03/2016 22:19
  - Div/Gr
3066 msgs.
Best scorer
elfolksy said:
My team is behaving like Arsenal FC of England, droping down from 1st position to 6th position! What can I do?

Just win tomorrow
01/03/2016 22:30
  - Div/Gr
508 msgs.
MVP of the game
ForzaJuve! said:
elfolksy said:
My team is behaving like Arsenal FC of England, droping down from 1st position to 6th position! What can I do?

Just win tomorrow

Fire your coach
01/03/2016 23:35
  - Div/Gr
147 msgs.
oldfirm60174 said:
ForzaJuve! said:
elfolksy said:
My team is behaving like Arsenal FC of England, droping down from 1st position to 6th position! What can I do?

Just win tomorrow

Fire your coach

Hire cheerleaders...
02/03/2016 00:07
  - Div/Gr
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