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  Forum » Foro Liga Olympus Circle (Council) » Daily News Date
1623 msgs.
ricko1 said:
I took some player who has big progression.. but the price was a little bit higher..


btw: I somebody here who is training forwards in junior team?


Nerry I think
29/12/2015 09:22
  - Div/Gr
3439 msgs.
Best scorer
Ah! Hostile night was yesterday? Ahhhh! 29/12/2015 09:35
  PSG - Div4/Gr39
5349 msgs.
Golden Ball
Ali Agharabi said:
Ah! Hostile night was yesterday? Ahhhh!

i'm trying to believe you. For real?
29/12/2015 09:37
  - Div/Gr
1623 msgs.
Ali Agharabi said:
Ah! Hostile night was yesterday? Ahhhh!

You must be joking?
29/12/2015 10:09
  - Div/Gr
3439 msgs.
Best scorer
Hello Olympian.

Once again, the PL welcomes everyone to another season! We have always believed in all of our potentials, and this season is no different. We know so well that if there are a hundred grounds to be taken this season, we will take all of them and add one more.

In other news, there are a few alterations we had to make concerning the league that were both necessary and indispensable to make. Quite a number of us have noticed them, but have not asked the necessary questions as to why we made those alterations.

The first and most important of all is the removal of the public violations system and the implementation of a more private system. We had a little test run of it last season, and we need to continue with it this season. Let me explain how it works, and it's very simple!

Previously, administrators of the league watched the PL games, took PL statistics, and published it for everyone to see. Honestly, that was a very tiring process. This process was subjected to certain flaws, especially when real life issues really took tolls on almost all of us, and we couldn't take statistics.

The hibernation and exit of three administrators some seasons back led to a whole load of flaws from our part. And, we thought this should not continue this season.

Therefore, from now on, members will monitor their games, and if any violators are noticed, they should be reported to us. That saves us the chunk of stress we go through trying to fish out offenders. If you noticed that your opponent played more than 0% effort against you over the just-concluded weekend, you can let us know before the week runs out, and we will look into it. This will be the new basis of our promotion/relegation scheme from the Council league through the Adept league.

Moreover, for now till we notice a much more favourable flavour in the PL, we will not have prize monies again.

For any doubts and questions, please don't hesitate to let me or any other administrators know about it.

29/12/2015 10:56
  PSG - Div4/Gr39
306 msgs.
First-team player
Here's mine hostile boy

29/12/2015 11:12
  - Div/Gr
6225 msgs.
Golden Ball

A friend asked me to get that player for him.
I just wouldn't do that because, I also have my target.
My hostile was the best this season.
29/12/2015 11:16
  - Div/Gr
306 msgs.
First-team player
Well you can now tell him that he's for sale...but will cost him a little more than 400k 29/12/2015 11:20
  - Div/Gr
6225 msgs.
Golden Ball
varda said:
Well you can now tell him that he's for sale...but will cost him a little more than 400k

For sure.
29/12/2015 12:15
  - Div/Gr
3066 msgs.
Best scorer
I think SlimRazor gave up on the game 29/12/2015 12:23
  - Div/Gr
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