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  Forum » Foro Liga Olympus Circle (Council) » Daily News Date
3439 msgs.
Best scorer
ForzaJuve! said:
I think SlimRazor gave up on the game

With the renaming of his team, yeah? Anyway, I have sent him a message to that effect. He was online on Sunday.
29/12/2015 17:48
  PSG - Div4/Gr39
3066 msgs.
Best scorer
This is the second renaming, the first one was indicative of him being very angry he lost the race in last few rounds last season. Also I saw a post on forum from him, also harsh words. Then he changed the team name to this one and never logged in since

Edited by ForzaJuve! 29-12-2015 17:57
29/12/2015 17:50
  - Div/Gr
6225 msgs.
Golden Ball
Beat this.
It's a challenge (LOL)

No doubt
A 1000 in 1 hostile.


30/12/2015 03:20
  - Div/Gr
3439 msgs.
Best scorer
That's certainly a huge one! And, you'll wonder how these top managers and fiscals get to have these kind of players every time in their rosters.

Edited by Ali Agharabi 30-12-2015 03:24
30/12/2015 03:23
  PSG - Div4/Gr39
508 msgs.
MVP of the game
Ali Agharabi said:
That's certainly a huge one! And, you'll wonder how these top managers and fiscals get to have these kind of players every time in their rosters.

Edited by Ali Agharabi 30-12-2015 03:24

yes, i certainly wonder, i have four excellent rated schools and rarely get 90 pr players, mostly garbage
30/12/2015 04:59
  - Div/Gr
508 msgs.
MVP of the game

Edited by oldfirm60174 31-12-2015 06:45
30/12/2015 05:48
  - Div/Gr
3066 msgs.
Best scorer
oldfirm60174 said:
Don't ever loan to a manger named terma fc of arsenal fc, he misrepresents himself and doesn't keep his commitment to train

same goes for manager V2mbiko of ⊕ NDIRANDE PIRATES, they're both worthless pieces of shit

other than that, merry new year all

Happy New year LMAO!
30/12/2015 06:33
  - Div/Gr
1623 msgs.
oldfirm60174 said:
Don't ever loan to a manger named terma fc of arsenal fc, he misrepresents himself and doesn't keep his commitment to train

same goes for manager V2mbiko of ⊕ NDIRANDE PIRATES, they're both worthless pieces of shit

other than that, merry new year all

And Happy Christmas in arrears😉😉
30/12/2015 06:37
  - Div/Gr
3066 msgs.
Best scorer
Are injuries completely random or is there a factor that Im missing?
2nd week of the season and 4 injuries so far
30/12/2015 17:16
  - Div/Gr
234 msgs.
haha guys..

I had luck, because I have two players who have 98 progression.. I can not say who they are.. Last season I had more luck... My argentinian school gave me 97 progression LW.. I sold him just for 50M...

30/12/2015 17:28
  - Div/Gr
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